Author: Tim Brinkley
Thus far we have defined assisted living as a support system which is designed to maintain the highest functioning potential of an individual for the longest duration possible and is implemented through both direct and indirect measures, designed to promote the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of the individual. But, how does one determine they are ready to pursue assisted living?
First, let us say that it is never too soon to plan. There is great wisdom in creating a plan ahead of time. Some would refer to this level of planning as, “staying ahead of the crisis.” Secondly, there is not a wrong time to begin using assisted living. There are varying degrees of assistance based on changing levels of care. But how does one determine when it is time to take the next step? Focus on the five areas listed below and consider if assisted living is right for you.
General Feelings of Loneliness
Everyone feels lonely from time to time, but a prolonged feeling of loneliness may indicate that you need more assistance. Prolonged feelings of loneliness may have a lasting effect on mental health. This can lead to an increase in anxiety, depression, or feelings of isolation.
The social model in assisted living is designed to combat feelings of loneliness and promote a sense of belonging to a community. At Petersburg Home for Ladies you can find your niche. There are many resident led committees and resident led groups who routinely meet with the support of our staff. Perhaps you would be interested in choosing books for our lending library, managing a rummage sale, participating in a dietary committee meeting, or serving on a Resident Council.
Difficulty performing routine tasks
While some tasks are harder than others, the ability to perform routine tasks can gauge your need for more assistance. Procrastination before performing a routine task may indicate a need for additional assistance.
A delay in performing routine tasks may come from a general lack of desire, concerns or stress over the outcome, or a feeling of being overwhelmed by the task. In each case, assisted living can give resolve to these issues.
Unexplained weight loss
If you are experiencing unexplained weight loss you should consult your doctor. Unexplained weight loss may indicate deeper physical, emotional, or mental related issued. The network of providers associated with assisted living can be a great support to you as you work through the process of discovering the reason behind any condition.
Financial mismanagement
Our whole lives we have learned that “everyone makes mistakes.” The unfortunate reality of making financial mistakes as an adult can be devastating. Assisted living can simplify your financial situation by consolidating monthly expenses into a single bill.
Let’s be honest, we all can’t be perfectionists. However, excessive clutter may indicate a need for more assistance. Clutter may indicate difficulty with sorting priorities. It may indicate physical limitations such as carrying objects or reaching for a storage shelf. It may also indicate a general feeling of being overwhelmed. Whatever the case, those associated with assisted living can be the support you need to organize belongings and prioritize responsibilities.
What Is Assisted Living Series
Part 1 – What Is Assisted Living: The Thousand Foot View
Part 2 – What Is Assisted Living: Recognizing The Impact
Part 3 – What Is Assisted Living: When Is it Time?