Author: Tim Brinkley
Among the many traditions of Petersburg Home for Ladies, none can be held as dear as that of honoring the soul of every person. For nearly 100 years we have purposed to provide security, companionship, care and love, and to be an agent of blessing to all whom we touch. While the methods of accomplishing these outcomes may change throughout the years, the message remains true to form. We are here, to change the lives of others, for the greater good of all.
A blessing is a spiritual reality. It is that which cannot be seen and can only be experienced. To operate in the realm of blessing, one must agree with other spiritual realities such as faith and hope. These somewhat abstract and seemingly ambiguous notions are central to the core of our identity. They exist just outside of logic in that place where one just knows something is true. It is in this place of belief, that the full creativity of the human spirit and the satisfaction of the soul are found in tandem.
The apostle Paul wrote about three key principles which connect our human state with the reality of spiritual blessing. In I Thessalonians 5:16-18 he stated: “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks…” The apostle Paul often wrote in triplicate. This is in keeping with the belief that each person is designed to mirror the image of God. The belief that God is Father, Son and Spirit carries into the thinking that people are body, soul and spirit. By writing in triplicate Paul is applying a spiritual principle to each aspect of the human experience.
Rejoicing is a physical experience. Joy can be felt. It can be seen, and if we are honest about it, becomes impossible to hide. Paul says, that for the sake of your body, you should embrace joy at all times. Paul knows that joy alone is not enough, because the body is tethered to the soul. As such, Paul challenges us to pray. Prayer is the beautiful expression of the mind, will and emotion in a direction that seeks to connect the intentions of our humanity into the plans of heaven. As precious and central to our human experience as prayer is, Paul takes us one step beyond the soul into a place of thanksgiving. True thanksgiving is found in the spirit of humanity.
Giving of thanks, is the opportunity to celebrate over what we have and what we know, while also believing that the intangible pieces of our human experience, such as peace and love, are equally as valuable. This year as you celebrate Thanksgiving, remember to embrace the intangible. Remember that what you carry in your spirit and what you hold to as your belief, is as valuable as any possession.