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Petersburg Home for Ladies
Fellowship Fund
From our inception, Petersburg Home for Ladies has existed as a charitable organization. As a non-profit private foundation we welcome financial contributions. These contributions are tax deductible! Financial contributions may be given to support the Fellowship Fund. This fund exists to provide financial assistance to qualified residents.
The Petersburg Home for Ladies fellowship fund was established in 2002 by our resident council. Residents, at the Petersburg Home for Ladies, may become eligible for financial support, through this fund, as determined by our Board of Directors. This fund may also be used to promote the well-being of all residents.
There are numerous reasons to contribute to the Fellowship Fund. Many residents choose to include a bequest to the Fellowship Fund in their will. Residents, family members, employees and community partners often make Tribute Gift contributions to the Fellowship Fund in honor of a designee. Memorial gifts are welcomed as well. Often families will include a notation in their loved one’s obituary that, in lieu of flowers memorial contributions can be made to the Petersburg Home for Ladies Fellowship Fund. While there are many noble reasons to contribute to the Fellowship Fund, some prefer to contribute on a monthly or yearly basis.

Every individual has the need for security, companionship, care and love.
The Petersburg Home for Ladies is committed to its unchanging purpose to satisfy the human need for security, companionship, care and love, and be an agent of blessing to all whom it touches.

Petersburg Home for Ladies
The Non-Profit Difference
Every individual has the need for security, companionship, care and love. The role of our caregivers is to exceed expectation. As a non-profit, we are able to give our caregiving team the support they need to lavishly attend to the daily needs, and whimsical desires, of our ladies. Through engaging with the foundational needs of every resident, we have built a community based around trust, ethics, and integrity. While prudent operation is key to our continued success, we are not limited by factors that may strongly influence the for-profit homes. We believe that if you can solve the need of the individual, the needs of the entity lessen. The non-profit difference is simple, but the non-profit difference is profound in impact. Every day we are able to expand possibility. Routine is not our threshold for success. Instead, we choose to embrace person centered outcomes that generate out of relationship. These encounters do not simply happen; they are created. As a facility, we strive to protect, guide, and oversee each resident while promoting a sense of security, self-worth, and personal dignity.

In Memory Of Donations
When you make a gift In Memory Of Someone, you’ll help give hope to Petersburg Home residents. Help our Ladies to receive continued care by memorializing the Life Of A Loved One.