Memorial Garden Invitational
Cornhole Tournament
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Must Be 21 Or Older To Register
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Memorial Garden Invitational
Cornhole Tournament
On October 8th, 2022 we invite you to be our guest for the Memorial Garden Invitational Cornhole Tournament. It is our desire to connect with like-minded organizations in a jovial atmosphere of sportsmanship and comradery. Though healthy competition is a core value of this event, our greater purpose is to provide a venue for authentic relationship building between our local groups. We encourage you to represent your organizations or even your personal companies. This is a time for bonding, good food and old fashion outdoor fun. Register for this event using the link above. During registration choose the organization you will be representing. You will receive future communications from Petersburg Home for Ladies about your registration.
What you can expect:
The Memorial Garden Invitational Cornhole Tournament will run from 10:00am to 4:00pm on Saturday October 8, 2022. We encourage you to participate for the full event but recognize that many may only join us for portions of the day. Either way, be ready to have a great time. Those participating in the tournament portion of our event should review our official rules. You do not need to attend the full day to participate in the tournament. The tournament is a Round Robin so there will be multiple matches and ample opportunity for groups to swap out players as they see fit. Autonomy goes to each organization to determine their particular rotation of players. All registered guests will have the opportunity to enjoy our gardens which will be decorated for the fall, savor a boxed lunch provided by our in-house dietary team, receive a souvenir 16oz stadium cup, and use that cup to enjoy on tap beer from our local Trapezium Brewery. There will also be door prize raffle giveaways (Must be present to win).
How Else To Get Involved:
Clubs, Business and Organizations are encouraged to bring materials which showcase their message. Additionally, if you are a local business owner we encourage you to promote yourself in our “Know Your Neighbors” Business Fair. Tables will be available for any registered participant to display promotional materials.
Door Prizes:
Petersburg Home for Ladies will be providing several door prizes that will be distributed on a raffle basis. We encourage all our organizations to bring an item to contribute to our door prize raffle. If you are a local business owner we encourage you to showcase your services through contributions to our door prize raffle. Donations to the door prize raffle may be brought on the day of the event.
Donations for Door Prizes Being Accepted
Please email Tim Brinkley at if you would like to donate a door prize.